Welland in the News

New website Made in Welland promotes city’s benefits to investors and developers

August 25, 2020

New website Made in Welland promotes city’s benefits to investors and developers

screenshot of the new website

Made in Welland is a new website aimed at prospective developers and investors interested in the Rose City. DAVE JOHNSON / TORSTAR SCREENSHOT

Made in Welland is a new website aimed at prospective developers and investors interested in the Rose City.

Launched Tuesday, the Welland-created website offers accessible information that includes economic resources and community assets, and also offers tools entrepreneurs need to start and grow a business.

“A website should make a good impression with quality information because it’s where potential investors or prospects will start their relationship within a community,” said Dan Degazio, the city’s general manager of economic development and recreation and culture.

A release from the city said prospective developers and investors can access information such as incentive grants, valuable community assets, and academic and industry partnerships in Niagara.

It has information on advanced manufacturing, food processing, business services, and sports tourism.

“The new website was created in house, which makes it easier to update with timely information that investors want and need,” said Degazio.

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