Welland in the News

Inclusive splash pad and multi-sports court coming to Welland International Flatwater Centres

April 22, 2021

Inclusive splash pad and multi-sports court coming to Welland International Flatwater Centre

image of a MP Vance Badewey

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is gifting the City of Welland an inclusive splash pad and multi-sport court to be built at the Welland International Flatwater Centre in conjunction with Empire Communities $2.75-million multi-court sports park. DAVE JOHNSON / TORSTARP

An inclusive splash pad and multi-sport court to be built alongside another multi-sport facility at Welland International Flatwater Centre will make the Rose City a leader in inclusivity in the future, says Richard Dalton.

Dalton, Welland’s manager of recreation and culture, and Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities’ Marco Di Buono presented Jumpstart’s plans Tuesday night.

“This complements the incredible work already being undertaken by Empire Communities,” said Di Buono, Jumpstart’s associate vice-president of programs and operations, as he outlined what the inclusive multi-sport court will hold.

It will have sport and para-sport court lines for basketball, tennis, ball hockey, volleyball, pickleball and badminton; six fixed-height and two adjustable-height basketball nets; a self-guided play area with high contrast four-square court and hopscotch; contrasting colours to support visual impairment; shaded double-wide benches for improved accessibility; wheelchair-accessible seating and tables; shaded accessible bleachers; cushion comfort plus Laykold acrylic surfacing system; four double-wide entry points; and four LED overhead court lights.

Di Buono said the court will offer an inclusive and immersive experience for those who use it and added experts in accessibility and para-sports were consulted in the design stages.

“This won’t take away from Empire’s multi-court. We engaged with (city) staff over several weeks, and this won’t compromise the timeline of work already underway,” he said.

Empire Communities pledged to build a $ 2.75-million multi-court sports park at the flatwater centre, plus $500,000 in naming rights for 10 years. The company is building two subdivisions in Dain City just down the road.

Funding for the Jumpstart project, estimated at $300,000, will come through a donation by the local Canadian Tire owner in Welland and dealers and vendors that work with the company across the nation.

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