Spotlight On ... Aqueduct Water Solutions

Business background
For more than 30 years, Aqueduct Water Solutions has been a local source for some of the best quality drinking water in the city. Since 2016, Sue and Brent Wilson have been the proud owners and operators of the business. With a care about providing exceptional service and the availability of water and filtration service options, the Wilsons are committed to the health and wellbeing of their valued customers. Something in their approach to customer interactions must be working and resonating with patrons because Aqueduct Water Solutions has been recognized with Readers’ Choice awards over the years. To ensure the best possible quality products and an accessible customer experience, extensive upgrades to the filtration system and filling stations were recently completed along with the installation of 24-hour water vending machines.

“Owning a small business in Welland has been one of our most rewarding experiences. There’s something to be said about the friendliness that’s found in a small city, it’s an important part of interacting with our customers and makes it easy to work with them on a more personal level. We take great pride in providing the best quality water and service possible.”
~ Sue and Brent Wilson, owners

Business details
- Type of business: Retail water and filtration services
- Started in Welland: Circa 1991
- Number of employees: The store is staffed by husband-and-wife co-owners Sue and Brent Wilson along with two part-time employees
Services offered
- Bottled water with self-serve and pre-filled options
- A range of water types, including R.O., JU-WELized alkaline, distilled, and spring
- Purified ice
- Delivery of water and ice
- Water dispensers (crocks and coolers)
- Water filtration systems, including installation and servicing
- Bottles, filters, UV bulbs, and accessories

Contact information
- Sue and Brent Wilson, owners
- 440 Niagara St., Unit 6C, Welland, Ont.
- 905-714-1621
- /aqueductwatersolutions