Community Improvement Plans
Community Improvement Plans
Community Improvement Plans designed to encourage new industrial, residential, and commercial investment
The City of Welland and the Regional Municipality of Niagara offer a series of financial incentives to businesses seeking to develop specific lands within the city. These incentives are outlined in three distinct Community Improvement Plans (CIPs), each one designed to encourage new industrial, residential, and commercial investment consistent with the City’s economic development strategic Plan.
Visit engageWelland to learn more on the Downtown and Surrounding Area Community Improvement Plan Update.
Affordable Rental Housing CIP and the programs created from the Plan are a series of financial incentive programs to private property owners and non-profit housing providers interested in developing affordable housing.
Seven Incentive Programs are available through the Affordable Rental Housing CIP:
Tax Increment Grant (TIG) This program offers a percentage rebate on the annual municipal property taxes (City portion only) derived from the increased assessment value generated by an eligible affordable rental housing project.
An eligible project must create at least 5 new affordable rental units and a minimum 30% of the total residential units built must be affordable units.
The annual grant will range from 60% to 80% of the increase in annual property taxes dependant on the net percentage of affordable units developed for a duration of 10 years.
Affordable Housing Study Grant (AHG) A grant equal to 50% of the cost of studies or plans up to a maximum of $7,500 undertaken to establish one or more of the following:
- the feasibility of including at least 30% affordable rental housing units within a new development on a vacant or under-utilized property, or rehabilitation/retrofit of an existing building; or,
- the feasibility of incorporating building materials or systems that reduce life cycle costs
Affordable Residential Forgivable Loan (ARFL) The forgivable loan may cover up to 70% of eligible project costs incurred up to a maximum:
- loan of $20,000 per affordable dwelling unit;
- of two (2) affordable dwelling units per property; and,
- total loan of $35,000.00 per property
A forgivable loan acts the same as an upfront one time grant. The applicant will apply receive their eligible amount. The applicant is required to enter into an agreement with the City at the time of approval which will includes program criteria which must be satisfied. No repayment of the loan is required for the duration of the agreement and upon successful satisfactory completion of the program criteria the loan shall be forgiven.
Extended Benefits Grant (EBG) To encourage the creation of deeply affordable rental housing, eligible projects may receive the Extended Benefit Grant. The EBG program aims to support the provision of rents as deeply as 20% of AMR through to 60% of AMR unless otherwise defined in the program guide.
The grant will provide:- A maximum $6,000.00 per affordable rental unit per year
- for up to 10 units per property
- for a period of five (5) years
Municipal Fees Grant (MFG) A grant of up to 100% of fees paid for required planning and building applications may be provided. The grant may apply to most fees related to eligible development, including, but not limited to:
- Official Plan Amendments
- Zoning By-law Amendments
- Consents
- Minor Variances
- Site Plan Control
- Building and Demolition Permits
Affordable Housing Reserve Fund (AHRF) The City will maintain an annual reserve fund to assist affordable housing projects that require funding which is beyond the funding made available under the City’s Community Improvement Plans. City Council will have the authority to allocate funding from the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund, unless otherwise determined.
Special Land Program (SLP) The City will maintain a list of surplus City owned lands available for purchase for affordable development. Non-profit developers looking to produce affordable housing on a surplus City owned land may be eligible to receive a low cost long term lease on that land subject to Council approval.
More information is available here:
- Affordable Rental Housing CIP
- Housing Needs Assessment & Environmental Scan
- Affordable Rental Housing CIP Application Form
- Affordable Residential Forgivable Loan Program Guide
- Affordable Rental Housing Tax Increment Grant Program Guide
- Affordable Rental Housing Study Grant Program Guide
- Affordable Rental Housing Extended Benefit Grant Program Guide
To apply for the Affordable Rental Community Improvement Plan or for more information, please contact Nicolas Aiello – Policy Planning Supervisor.
Gateway CIP provides financial incentives to property owners who revitalize, strengthen and diversify the economy in Welland by promoting private sector investment, development, redevelopment, and construction activity on employment lands in the Gateway CIP Project Area. To date the Gateway CIP will assist in generating approximately 1,099,145 Sq. Ft. of new industrial/commercial space. This will include approximately $388,449,951.00 in total private sector investment and create/retain approximately 600 jobs.
Three Incentive Programs are available through the Gateway CIP:
Tax Increment Grant (TIG) Provides eligible projects with an annual property tax reimbursement of between 40% and 100% for five to ten years to eligible property owners
Development Charge Exemption/Grant 100% exemption of City Development Charges payable for industrial uses within the CIP Area and the City as a whole. And, up to 100% Reduction of Regional Development Charges for exceptional projects that meet CIP criteria (The Grant payment is capped at $1.5 million).
Planning Application Fee Grant Provides eligible projects a grant of 100% of the applicable City Planning Application Fees.
More information is available here:
Brownfield CIP provides a framework of financial incentive programs, strategies, and actions to encourage and promote remediation and redevelopment of Brownfield properties within the defined project area.
Four Incentive Programs are available through the Brownfield CIP:
Environmental Study Grant Provides a grant equal to 50% of the cost of up to 2 eligible environmental studies to a maximum grant of $20,000 per environmental study. The grant payment is capped at $35,000 per project.
Brownfields Tax Assistance Program Cancellation of Municipal (City and Region) and Education property taxes for up to three years
Brownfields Tax Increment Grant (TIG) Provides eligible projects with an annual property tax reimbursement of up to 100% for up to fifteen years to eligible property owners.
Brownfields Fees Grant Provides a grant equal to 100% of all planning and building permit fees.
Brownfields Development Charge Exemption Program There is no application for this program. However, an applicant with an approved Application and Agreement under the Brownfield Grant process is eligible to receive up to 100% of the Development Charges payable.
More information is available here:
Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster CIP provides financial incentive programs to nurture revitalization, reinforce diversity in downtown as a transit supportive area, and encourage strength in the Health and Wellness Cluster.
Seven Incentive Programs are available through the Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster CIP:
Urban Design Study Grant Provides a grant equal to 50% of cost for an urban design study and/or professional architectural design drawing(s) up to of $2,500 per property/project.
Facade Improvement Grant Provides a grant equal to 50% of cost of eligible façade projects to eligible buildings to maximum grant per property/project of $12,500. AND, a separate grant equal to 50% of cost of eligible side and/or rear facade projects to eligible buildings up to a maximum grant of $7,500 per property/project may be provided where side and/or rear facades are highly visible.
Building Improvement Grant Provides a grant equal to 50% of cost of eligible projects to buildings to a maximum grant per property/project of $12,500
Residential Grant Provides a grant equal to $15 per sq. ft. of created or renovated residential space to a maximum grant of $15,000 per unit and a maximum of 4 units per property/project (maximum grant per property/ project is $60,000);
Tax Increment Grant (TIG) Provides eligible projects with an annual property tax reimbursement of 80% for ten years to eligible property owners.
Planning and Building Fees Provides a Grant equal to 100% of all planning, building permit and sign permit fees to a maximum total grant of $5,000 per property/project.
Development Charge Reduction Program 75% reduction of City development charges within the CIP area and an additional 25% City development charge reduction is available for projects that meet smart growth design criteria. AND, eligible projects can receive up to a 50% refund of payable Regional development charges.
More information is available here:
- City of Welland Community Improvement Plan for the Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster
- Downtown Health and Wellness Cluster CIP General Program Requirements
- Downtown Health and Wellness Cluster Incentive Programs Application form
- Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster City Development Charge Reduction Information Sheet
- Building Improvement Grant Program Guide
- Facade Improvement Grant Program Guide
- Planning and Building Fees Grant Program Guide
- Residential Grant Program Guide
- Tax Increment Grant Program Guide
- Urban Design Study Grant Program Guide
- City of Welland Urban Design Guidelines
Gateway CIP
Brownfield CIP
Downtown and Health and Wellness Cluster CIP
Total Construction Value of Projects
Number of Projects Benefitting from TIG
Total Tax Grant to All Projects